Cold-inducible ribonucleic acid-binding protein attenuates acute kidney injuries after deep hypothermic circulatory arrest in rats.

Dec 14, 2020 Antibodies

Cold-inducible ribonucleic acid-binding protein attenuates acute kidney injuries after deep hypothermic circulatory arrest in rats.

The cold-inducible ribonucular acid binding protein (CIRP) has been identified to play a role in the antipoptotic effect of hypothermia. We sought to investigate CIRP renoprotection in a rat model of a deep hypothermic circulatory arrest.
The overexpression and reversing of the CIRP have been obtained in vivo by directly injuring the vectors of lentivirus containing lentivirus lentivirus (PL) / of the internal fluorescent protein / green fluorescent protein (GFP) -CIRP or hairdressing RNA PL / short) / FF-FREE Inductible RNA binding protein (F-CIRP) -a in the renal parenchyma of 7-day rats before the deep hypothermic circulatory arrest under ultrasound guidance.

The vehicles or vectors of control lentiviruses were given to the control group or the control vector group, respectively. The renal function and activity of apoptosis have been evaluated by serum Cystatin C, the lipocalin of serum gelatinasse / gelatinasse and the deoxynucleotidine terminal of gelatinneity of the gelatinque 2′-deoxyudidine, the dosage of the Nick-end labeling of 5′-triphosphate at 24 hours after surgery. The expression of CIRP messenger RNA (mRNA) was evaluated by a quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. The expression of CIRP proteins and Caspase 3 has been tested by Western blot.

Compared to the SHAM Group, the Rats of the control group showed an increased expression of CIRP mRNA, CIRP protein, Caspase 3 and apoptotic frequency (p <0.01). However, in relation to the control group, the Rats of the PL / IRES / GFP-CIRP Group showed a significant decrease in CASPASE 3 activities and apoptosis, while increasing the increased expression of mRNA and protein. CIRP. Rats in the PL / SHRNA / F-CIRP-A group showed increased activities of CASPASE 3 and apoptosis and a decrease in a further decrease in CRNA and CIRP protein (p <0, 01), compared to the control group. The renal function was particularly protected in the PL / IRES / GFP-CIRP group and altered in the PL / SHRNA / F-CIRP-A group.
Our results suggest that the CIRP exerts a robust renoprotective effect by inhibiting apoptosis in the rat model of a deep hypothermic circulatory arrest.

Storage of long-term room temperature of dry ribonucleic acid to be used in the ARN-SEQ analysis.


RNA is an essential biological material for genomics and translational medicine research. As such, its storage of Biobanking is an important field of study. Traditionally, long-term storage in the cold (usually freezers or liquid nitrogen) is used to maintain high quality RNA (in terms of quantity and integrity). The conservation of the ambient temperature (RT) provides a cold alternative, which is in the grip of serious problems (mainly costs and security), for the long-term storage of RNA. In this study, we evaluated the performance of several RT storage procedures, including the Imagene’s RNASHELL®, where RNA is dried and maintained protected from the atmosphere and vacuum drying of RNA with such additives. that the Imagene stabilization solution and a house -made of trehalose solution.

This evaluation was completed by accelerated (equivalent to 10 years for Rnasell) and real-time studies (4 years). To verify the quality and integrity of RNA, we used RNA and RNA Integrity Number Values. Our study shows that the isolation of the atmosphere offers a higher protective effect for the storage of RNA with respect to vacuum drying and demonstrates that Rnasell allows a satisfactory RNA quality for long-term RT storage. Thus, the quality of the RNA could meet the demand for downstream applications such as RNA-SEQ.

 Cold-inducible ribonucleic acid-binding protein attenuates acute kidney injuries after deep hypothermic circulatory arrest in rats.
Cold-inducible ribonucleic acid-binding protein attenuates acute kidney injuries after deep hypothermic circulatory arrest in rats.

HASHINGDOWN OF IL-6 ribonucleic acid interference improves the effectiveness of cisplatin in laryngeal cancer stem cells by regulating the regulation path of the IL-6 / STAT3 / HIF1 regulatory channel.

Cisplatin has been used in the treatment of many cancers, including larynx cancer; However, its effectiveness can be reduced due to the development of drug resistance. This study was intended to determine whether the removal of interleukin-6 (IL-6) can enhance the efficacy of cisplatin in larynx cancer stem cells (CSC) and the potential involvement of the signal transducer and the activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) and the hypoxia 1 inducible factor (HIF1) for this purpose.

The sorting cells of the fluorescence activated cells were identified in the sorting cells activated by fluorescence. The mRNA and IL-6, STAT3 and HIF1 phrases were examined with respectively the reaction of the polymerase chain in real time and the western ball. Cell proliferation was measured by MTT dosage. Turmoricity was measured by a colony formation dosage and an invasion was determined by a cell invasion test. Apoptotic cells have been counted by flow cytometry. Immunohistochemistry was performed to detect immunoreactive IL-6, STAT3 and HIF1 cells in xenograft.

IL-6, STAT3 and HIF1 mRNA and protein levels have been significantly increased in HEP2-CSC with respect to those of HEP2 cells. The application of SIRNA-IL-6 to Hashdown IL-6 resulted in a significant decrease in IL-6, STAT3 and HIF1 mRNA and protein rates. IL-6 HASHINGDOWN reduced cell proliferation, tumorigenetness and invasion and increased apoptosis within CSC. Improved deletion degrees of these parameters were observed when the IL-6 return was associated with cisplatin in these CSCs. The results of the Xenograft study showed that the combination of reversal and cisplatin IL-6 inhibited the growth of xenografts with respect to that obtained in the single injected group of cisplatin.

Broccoli Genomic DNA

PLG-1061 0.1mg
EUR 307

Monkey Skin Total RNA Total RNA, Rhesus

UR-101 0.05mg
EUR 195

Fig Total RNA

PLR-1042 0.05mg
EUR 370

Oat Total RNA

PLR-1096 0.05mg
EUR 370

Rye Total RNA

PLR-1097 0.05mg
EUR 370

Total RNA Mini

GR1001 50 preps
EUR 295.57

Total RNA Mini

GR1002 250 preps
EUR 1294.25

Total RNA Midi

GRD1001 10 preps
EUR 170.76

Total RNA Midi

GRD1002 50 preps
EUR 698.57

Total RNA Maxi

GRM1001 6 preps
EUR 279.43

Total RNA Maxi

GRM1002 24 preps
EUR 901.43

Corn Total RNA

PLR-1002 0.05mg
EUR 370

Rice Total RNA

PLR-1004 0.05mg
EUR 370

Pear Total RNA

PLR-1033 0.05mg
EUR 370

Apple Total RNA

PLR-1001 0.05mg
EUR 370

Beans Total RNA

PLR-1051 0.05mg
EUR 370

Grape Total RNA

PLR-1052 0.05mg
EUR 370

Lemon Total RNA

PLR-1062 0.05mg
EUR 370

Wheat Total RNA

PLR-1084 0.05mg
EUR 370

Onion Total RNA

PLR-1092 0.05mg
EUR 370

Maple Total RNA

PLR-1094 0.05mg
EUR 370

Yeast Total RNA

YSR-300 0.025mg
EUR 319

Orange Total RNA

PLR-1003 0.05mg
EUR 370

Cotton Total RNA

PLR-1022 0.05mg
EUR 370

Barley Total RNA

PLR-1041 0.05mg
EUR 370

Pepper Total RNA

PLR-1043 0.05mg
EUR 370

Potato Total RNA

PLR-1073 0.05mg
EUR 370

Tomato Total RNA

PLR-1074 0.05mg
EUR 370

Carrot Total RNA

PLR-1081 0.05mg
EUR 370

Radish Total RNA

PLR-1083 0.05mg
EUR 370

Cherry Total RNA

PLR-1091 0.05mg
EUR 370

Squash Total RNA

PLR-1111 0.05mg
EUR 370

Apricot Total RNA

PLR-1011 0.05mg
EUR 370

Soybean Total RNA

PLR-1044 0.05mg
EUR 370

Spinach Total RNA

PLR-1054 0.05mg
EUR 370

Cabbage Total RNA

PLR-1071 0.05mg
EUR 370

Lettuce Total RNA

PLR-1072 0.05mg
EUR 370

Tobacco Total RNA

PLR-1101 0.05mg
EUR 370

Cucumber Total RNA

PLR-1032 0.05mg
EUR 370

Rapeseed Total RNA

PLR-1093 0.05mg
EUR 370

Flaxseed Total RNA

PLR-1095 0.05mg
EUR 370

Silkworm Total RNA

SWR-390 0.025mg
EUR 319

Persimmon Total RNA

PLR-1053 0.05mg
EUR 370

Sunflower Total RNA

PLR-1064 0.05mg
EUR 370

Nectarine Total RNA

PLR-1082 0.05mg
EUR 370

Asparagus Total RNA

PLR-1131 0.05mg
EUR 370

Zebrafish Total RNA

ZFR-270 0.025mg
EUR 319

Drosophila Total RNA

DPR-290 0.025mg
EUR 319

Arabidopsis Total RNA

PLR-1021 0.05mg
EUR 370

E. coli Total RNA

ECR-310 0.025mg
EUR 319

Cat Eye Total RNA

FR-106 0.1mg
EUR 195

Rat Eye Total RNA*

RR-106 0.05mg
EUR 160

Cat Lung Total RNA

FR-601 0.1mg
EUR 195

Pig Lung Total RNA

PR-601 0.1mg
EUR 160

Rat Skin Total RNA

RR-101 0.05mg
EUR 160

Rat Pons Total RNA

RR-207 0.025mg
EUR 160

Rat Lung Total RNA

RR-601 0.1mg
EUR 160

Cat Colon Total RNA

FR-311 0.1mg
EUR 195

Cat Liver Total RNA

FR-314 0.1mg
EUR 195

Cat Heart Total RNA

FR-801 0.1mg
EUR 195

Pig Colon Total RNA

PR-311 0.1mg
EUR 160

Pig Liver Total RNA

PR-314 0.1mg
EUR 160

Pig Ovary Total RNA

PR-406 0.1mg
EUR 160

Pig Heart Total RNA

PR-801 0.1mg
EUR 160

Pig Aorta Total RNA*

PR-807 0.05mg
EUR 235

Rat Cecum Total RNA

RR-310 0.1mg
EUR 160

Rat Colon Total RNA

RR-311 0.1mg
EUR 160

Rat Liver Total RNA

RR-314 0.1mg
EUR 160

Rat Ovary Total RNA

RR-406 0.025mg
EUR 160

Rat Penis Total RNA

RR-416 0.05mg
EUR 160

Rat Blood Total RNA

RR-705 0.025mg
EUR 267

Rat Aorta Total RNA

RR-807 0.025mg
EUR 214

Dog Tongue Total RNA

DR-105 0.1mg
EUR 195

Equine Eye Total RNA

ER-106 0.1mg
EUR 195

Human Skin Total RNA

HR-101 0.025mg
EUR 229

Human Lung Total RNA

HR-601 0.05mg
EUR 172

Cat Tongue Total RNA

FR-105 0.1mg
EUR 195

Cat Rectum Total RNA

FR-312 0.1mg
EUR 195

Cat Testis Total RNA

FR-401 0.1mg
EUR 195

Cat Uterus Total RNA*

FR-411 0.05mg
EUR 195

Cat Spleen Total RNA

FR-701 0.1mg
EUR 195

Cat Thymus Total RNA*

FR-702 0.05mg
EUR 195

Cat Kidney Total RNA

FR-901 0.1mg
EUR 195

Pig Testis Total RNA

PR-401 0.1mg
EUR 160

Pig Uterus Total RNA

PR-411 0.1mg
EUR 235

Pig Pineal Total RNA*

PR-505 0.05mg
EUR 235

Pig Spleen Total RNA

PR-701 0.1mg
EUR 160

Pig Thymus Total RNA

PR-702 0.1mg
EUR 160

Pig Kidney Total RNA

PR-901 0.1mg
EUR 160

Rat Tongue Total RNA

RR-105 0.1mg
EUR 160

Rat Rectum Total RNA

RR-312 0.1mg
EUR 160

Rat Testis Total RNA

RR-401 0.1mg
EUR 160

Rat Vagina Total RNA

RR-412 0.05mg
EUR 160

Rat Spleen Total RNA

RR-701 0.1mg
EUR 160

Rat Thymus Total RNA

RR-702 0.05mg
EUR 160

Rat Kidney Total RNA

RR-901 0.1mg
EUR 160

Sheep Skin Total RNA

SR-101 0.1mg
EUR 160

Sheep Lung Total RNA

SR-601 0.1mg
EUR 160

Chicken Eye Total RNA

CR-106 0.1mg
EUR 235

Bovine Skin Total RNA

BR-101 0.1mg
EUR 160

Bovine Lung Total RNA

BR-601 0.1mg
EUR 160

Equine Skin Total RNA

ER-101 0.1mg
EUR 195

Equine Lung Total RNA

ER-601 0.1mg
EUR 195

Human Brain Total RNA

HR-201 0.05mg
EUR 172

Human Colon Total RNA

HR-311 0.05mg
EUR 172

Human Liver Total RNA

HR-314 0.05mg
EUR 172

Human Ovary Total RNA

HR-406 0.025mg
EUR 229

Human Heart Total RNA

HR-801 0.025mg
EUR 229

EcoPURE Total RNA Kit

E2075 50 rxn
EUR 88
Description: EcoPURE Total RNA Kit is designed as a simple and convenient purification of high quality total RNA including small RNAs (e.g. microRNAs) from whole blood, cultured cells, and frozen or fresh tissues. This kit utilizes chaotropic ions and silica-based membrane technology, eliminating the need for expensive resins, hazardous phenol-chloroform extractions, β-mercaptoethanol, or time-consuming alcohol precipitation. The standard protocol lasts less than 10 minutes at room temperature and purified RNA can be effectively used in routine downstream applications including cDNA synthesis, northern blotting, differential display, primer extension, and mRNA selection.

Cat Stomach Total RNA

FR-302 0.1mg
EUR 195

Cat Adrenal Total RNA*

FR-501 0.05mg
EUR 235

Cat Bladder Total RNA*

FR-902 0.05mg
EUR 235

Pig Thyroid Total RNA*

PR-503 0.05mg
EUR 235

Pig Bladder Total RNA*

PR-902 0.05mg
EUR 160

Rat Medulla Total RNA

RR-206 0.025mg
EUR 160

Rat Adrenal Total RNA

RR-501 0.025mg
EUR 214

Rat Thyroid Total RNA

RR-503 0.025mg
EUR 214

Rat Trachea Total RNA

RR-602 0.025mg
EUR 214

Rat Bladder Total RNA

RR-902 0.025mg
EUR 160

Sheep Colon Total RNA

SR-311 0.1mg
EUR 160

Sheep Liver Total RNA

SR-314 0.1mg
EUR 160

Sheep Ovary Total RNA

SR-406 0.1mg
EUR 160

Sheep Heart Total RNA

SR-801 0.1mg
EUR 160

Rabbit Skin Total RNA

TR-101 0.1mg
EUR 160

Rabbit Lung Total RNA

TR-601 0.1mg
EUR 160

Chicken Lung Total RNA

CR-601 0.1mg
EUR 160

Hamster Skin Total RNA

AR-101 0.1mg
EUR 160

Hamster Lung Total RNA

AR-601 0.1mg
EUR 160

Dog Placenta Total RNA*

DR-413 0.05mg
EUR 235

Bovine Colon Total RNA

BR-311 0.1mg
EUR 160

Bovine Liver Total RNA

BR-314 0.1mg
EUR 160

Bovine Ovary Total RNA

BR-406 0.1mg
EUR 160

Bovine Heart Total RNA

BR-801 0.1mg
EUR 160

Bovine Aorta Total RNA*

BR-807 0.05mg
EUR 235

Equine Colon Total RNA

ER-311 0.1mg
EUR 195

Equine Liver Total RNA

ER-314 0.1mg
EUR 195

Equine Heart Total RNA

ER-801 0.1mg
EUR 195

Human Rectum Total RNA

HR-312 0.05mg
EUR 172

Human Testis Total RNA

HR-401 0.05mg
EUR 172

Human Spleen Total RNA

HR-701 0.05mg
EUR 172

Human Thymus Total RNA

HR-702 0.05mg
EUR 172

Human Artery Total RNA

HR-810 0.025mg
EUR 229

Human Kidney Total RNA

HR-901 0.05mg
EUR 172

Pig Prostate Total RNA*

PR-408 0.05mg
EUR 160

Pig Placenta Total RNA

PR-413 0.1mg
EUR 160

MiniPig Skin Total RNA

NR-101 0.05mg
EUR 231

Rat Thalamus Total RNA

RR-205 0.025mg
EUR 160

Rat Cerebrum Total RNA

RR-209 0.05mg
EUR 160

Immunoreactive IL-6, STAT3 and HIF1 Cell numbers were significantly reduced in the tumor tissues of IL-6. IL-6, STAT3 and HIF1 Immunoreactive cell accounts have been further reduced in the tissues where the overturning IL-6 has been combined with cisplatin treatment with respect to fabric cisplatin only.

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